Saeed AlRumaithi

Saeed AlRumaithi is a content creator with passion for agriculture.

Who is Saeed AlRumaithi

Despite not having an agricultural background, Saeed AlRumaithi considers it his primary passion. He actively engages with social media platforms, exploring various experiences shared in the field, to enhance his skills and generate unique ideas that set him apart. Currently, he is focused on creating educational content in agriculture, aiming to inspire and encourage young individuals to enter the field and embark on new and diverse agricultural ventures.Alremeithi has been named a Climate Change Ambassador, and is the co-founder of The Organic Farm.


Entrepreneurship and Farming

Join Faris Al Muhtawa Season 4

We scout for niche talent who occupy unique spaces. Our content creation incubation program: Faris Al Muhtawa trains and mentors social media talent to grow them into professional brands.